Oloko is a new online strategic Kids MMO from the makers of Panfu that places you on the back of the turtle Oloko, where an exciting world full of challenges is waiting. Take the form of your favorite animal and create your own world! Become a master of your trade! Farmer, chef or baker - on Oloko, you can learn various professions and work your way up to the top. Be the master of your castle! In your own farmyard, you can till fields, rear animals and decorate your house to your heart's content.

There is plenty of information available for parents as well: children are naturally curious, they explore the world by playing and gain knowledge in the course of their activities, thereby continuously expanding the limits of their reality. Nowadays children of all ages naturally grow up around technical media, and therefore it is important for us to gently introduce your children to this world. The virtual world of Oloko combines knowledge, play, discovery, fun and safety. We provide a place for the development, creativity, social interaction and adventure for your child.

Oloko is a safe and strategic online game in which children between the ages of 6 and 12 create a new world together, through the form of personalised avatars. Oloko offers great entertainment by providing everything that life has to offer. Amateur gardeners in the form of rabbits, dogs, horses or cats grow crops, till fields, rear animals, personalise their gardens and trade with each other - alone or with friends and always as a part of a larger community. Through this, the imagination of children is cultivated in an engaging way, their curiosity is satisfied and they gently discover the possibilities of the internet.

Oloko provides a comprehensive introduction to the internet and every aspect of the game was designed with your child's needs in mind. There are many good reasons to let your child join Oloko.