It’s a question we see asked time and time again on social media, everyone wants to know what MMO they should try. So, in no particular order here are 10 MMORPGs you should play in 2018.


This year Everquest is turning 19 years old! If you haven’t already played it at least once…well…why haven’t you? It is considered by many the MMO that really got the MMORPG genre going. Still going strong today, and still being made by the same people. The most recent expansion of the game just came out in mid-December, bringing the game up to 24 expansions. The level cap over the years has gone from 60 to 110 so there is a whole lot to do and when you buy the most recent expansion you get access to all the expansions that came before.

EVE Online

EVE Online: Lifeblood

All of the best stories about epic battles come from EVE Online. This year EVE is also hitting a massive milestone as it reaches the 15-year mark. It is a gorgeous game that is loved by thousands of players. It’s one of the most iconic MMORPGs in history and if you haven’t given it a try yet, you’re missing out. The game is still going strong today with one of the most rigorous update schedules in the industry.


If you’re looking for a game that is family friendly, you can’t go wrong with Wizard101. Of all the kid-friendly MMOs there have been through the years, Wizard101 is the longest-lived, having launched in 2008 and still as popular as ever today. The chat system they’ve put in place protects children so they can’t give away information about themselves and they aren’t exposed to any bad language.

Guild Wars 2

Five years since it launched it is still one of the most colorful and breathtaking MMOs on the market. It’s a great casual game that prides itself on being accessible to everyone, no matter what their skill level is. It’s a great MMO to get your girlfriend into gaming with, as it goes to great lengths to be newbie friendly. It’s a great game if you love dressing your characters up in flashy outfits that make them really stand out. It does offer some difficulty as well for more seasoned gamers in the form of raids. It’s also one of the most successful online games currently on the market.

The Elder Scrolls Online

It may have had a rocky start but once Elder Scrolls Online found its footing it quickly rose to the top, becoming one of the best MMORPGs you can currently play. They put out fantastic DLC content regularly, expanding their world every time. If you’re a fan of any of the Elder Scrolls games this is your chance to play in that world, but with real people this time. It has incredible storytelling, fantastic voice acting, and crafting is a joy instead of a chore like in so many games.

World of Warcraft

It’s the most famous MMORPG in the world and once upon a time, it was the King of them all. These days the popularity may have declined but it is estimated to still have millions of players. With another expansion always on the horizon, there is always something to look forward to and something new to play. If you’ve not played World of Warcraft, you’re missing out on a piece of gaming history. Anyone interested in online gaming should give WoW a chance.

Secret World Legends

If you’re looking for a game with a modern setting you might want to turn your eye towards Secret World Legends. You’ll find that most of the maps are empty, only allowing 5 people in most instances, but that fits just perfectly with the story and the setting. The cities and main hub allow for players to congregate in much larger numbers. It’s a fantastic story-driven game to play with a small group of friends. If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you were in the X-Files, this is the game for you.

The Lord of the Rings Online

For a while there it seemed like Lord of the Rings Online might have been finished. They went 3 years without an expansion. Thankfully, 2017 turned all that around. A newly formed independent studio is now in charge and they released Mordor at long last. But the biggest attraction for LotRO isn’t the development cycle or the graphics, it’s the players. They have one of the most friendly and inviting communities you could ask for.

Final Fantasy XIV

Considered by many to be the best MMORPG you can currently play, FFXIV is a no-brainer on this list. They have been killing it with update after update. It has a massive community and supports a wide variety of gameplay styles. If you’re new to gaming or you have a problem with taking part in raids, then maybe this isn’t the best MMO for you, but for many long-time gamers, FFXIV is the place to be.

Star Trek Online

Looking for a game you might not usually consider? Give Star Trek Online a try. The creators of this game have been bringing in beloved Star Trek actors to do voice acting for years now so you can meet your favorite Star Trek heroes. One of the great things about Star Trek Online is that it’s also available on console, so you don’t have to own a PC to play. It’s also one of the few games that allow you to play both in space as a ship and as a single person on away missions. It’s a unique MMORPG with a lot to offer. Being a fan of Star Trek isn’t a requirement to play, but having some knowledge is handy. Or at least make sure you have Memory Alpha (the best Star Trek wiki) open.


If none of these titles strike your fancy, you might consider trying an older game that isn’t being actively developed anymore. They’re pieces of history that won’t be around forever so play them while you still can. You never know when or if you might regret it in the future. At the top of that recommended list are Final Fantasy XI, the original Guild Wars, and Anarchy Online.

There you have it! 10 MMORPGs you should play in 2018 with a couple of bonus ones thrown in. Keep in mind of course that this list only has games that were already live at the start of 2018 and there may be some other awesome ones released throughout this year. If there are, you can be sure we'll add them to this list. If you're still looking for more recommendations be sure to check out our 2018 MMO Recommendations poll where players are voting for the games they recommend you play.