Starting today, ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained players will be able to access the first solo dungeon in the MMORPG, Hereafter Rebellion, and new Ancestral skills for the Swiftblade class.

archeage solo dungeon swiftblade

In the solo dungeon Hereafter Rebellion, players will command their own armies to stop the threat of the Crimson Army and rescue the souls for Hereafter Prestige and generous rewards. If you would rather take on a group threat, the deadly sea beast Charybdis has escaped from its cage and is now roaming the seas of Erenor. Players will need to band together to defeat this watery threat in a naval raid battle.

Additionally, the Switfblade has received its Ancestral skills, which further increase its damage, and Gamigo is celebrating its first annual Lucius Motion Picture Awards with the ArcheAge community. Submit your short video and enter the contest for a change to win a laptop or other prizes from GIGABYTE.

Source: Press Release