In the latest letter for the super-highly-anticipated upcoming MMORPG, Ashes of Creation, Creative Director Steven Sharif treated prospective players to a heap of updates. Keener followers of the project may have already clocked that there’s been a delay for the Alpha One release. But with the letter comes the promise that we can expect a non-NDA Alpha One release for 1st June. And there’s no reason to believe this won’t be the case. Right? Right?!

In all seriousness, there’s no surprise that we’ve had to wait just two months longer to dive into the world of Verra. The letter detailed how, in the last year of remote-work, the team has pulled out all the stops - but there will always be a loss of ‘collaboration spark’ that has undoubtedly had its part to play in the delay. Not to mention just how insanely large the game promises to be.

Ashes of Creation Alpha One

Fortunately, it seems that the team’s craving for collaboration will soon be sated as they will be moving to their brand new home on 15th June. With this announcement comes the call-out for even more recruits, as the search for experienced developers continues. However, Mr. Sharif also mentioned how, once they have settled into their new digs, they will take a more hands-on approach via job fairs, where even more junior-level developers can take their shot at joining the project.

However, if you, like me, are woefully under-qualified to hop on board the hiring train, then there is yet another route to getting involved. The letter stresses quite vehemently that the Ashes of Creation Alpha One playtest will not be a chance for players to experience a nearly-finished product. Acting more as contributors to its development, the testers who get to play with the Alpha One release will be thrown into an unfinished world, albeit one that they will then help to shape. By providing in-depth feedback on their experiences, the Alpha One playtesters will be amply rewarded - hopefully with more than just a thank-you. Though if you ask us, helping to craft the world that so many are on tenterhooks to enjoy is a pretty substantial reward in itself.

Make sure to check out Steven Sharif’s latest letter for all the info on how to get involved, and join us in crossing our fingers for that Ashes of Creation Alpha One release date. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.