Webzen recently released the MMO and Mobile lineup for 2016 and among them stands Azera: Iron Heart. If you are familiar with the original Azera, you will be happy to know that this is a mobile version, and it is much more robust than the original. Just how robust is it? Let's take a quick look at the new features and most importantly the optimizations for the mobile platform.

Azera: Iron Heart -- A new Experience

By all accounts, the mobile version of the game will be very similar to the PC version aside from the fact that it will feature only the best features and elements from the original game while optimizing them for the mobile platform. In addition to that, the developer has created new CGI videos that help to flesh out the story, giving players a better understanding of what’s going on in the world and more reason to play.

Azera: Iron Heart will feature more PVP and RVR (Realm vs. Realm) content than ever before, which gives players a much more interesting way to enjoy the world, even on a mobile device. We’re definitely excited to see what they come up with.

Azera: Iron Heart

Our Thoughts

Mobile MMORPG’s have definitely had their ups and downs in the market, and we’re hoping this one will feature a vast improvement over the ones we’ve seen previously. Most importantly, will it turn our phones into a ball of hot molten lead? It remains to be seen!