Couple Alliance will announce to all bachelors the most terrible news: Valentine's Day is coming! Every year, the fourteenth day of February has millions across the world presenting their loved ones with flowers, candy, chocolate and romantic dinners with lovey-dovey couples. If you're a bachelor, that might seem frustrating to you. Is it terrible? I guess not, Because here is some good news: You may have Valentine's Day celebration in games!
That's right, you heard me correctly. Ray Media Group Limited prepared Valentine's Day celebrations event for all gamers. Alfheim Tales Online prepared Valentine Wedding Garments, Pet Kettles and Strong Kettles will be on sale for a week in the item Mall and players may also collect love cards for rewards. During the Valentine's Day events in Chrono Tales, players will be asked to portray their ideal valentines date by taking screenshots in game with their partner for coupons and 99 flowers.
Bachelors do you want to throw away this title, click to enter the games and you may find your special someone to fall in love with!