Today Pearl Abyss launched Black Desert Mobile around the world on iOS and Android devices. The game was pre-registered by 4.5 million people after the successful launch of the game in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. To celebrate the 4.5 million pre-registrations Pearl Abyss is offering players special in-game items and gifts like a Tier 1 Horse Emblem, Bunny Bunny Ornament, a Verdon Outfit Chest, Krenvatz Barding, and items that buff character skills.
Pearl Abyss has also launched a partnership with Amazon and Twitch. Amazon Prime members in eligible countries will be able to claim special rewards. Players just need to go to their Amazon Prime accounts and use the event tab to find in-game buffs, character cosmetics, and various items. This partnership is going until March 17th 2020.
Currently Black Desert Mobile is available in English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Thai, and Indonesian. Portuguese is expected to be added in 2020.
In other Black Desert Online news, the Valkyrie update has arrived on Xbox One today. It introduced the Valkyrie class as well as Alchemy Stone items which allow players to buff character abilities.
Before you go be sure to check out the all-new launch trailer for Black Desert Mobile below.
Source: Press Release