Hold on to your helmets because there’s big news flying in once again from Marvel. During a presentation to investors over the weekend, holding company Enad Global 7 - who recently acquired Daybreak - seemed to unveil a new Marvel MMO in the works. Cementing the notion that the Marvel train really doesn’t have breaks.

If all goes well, the new Marvel MMO will join the cavalcade of Marvel games that have been rolling out in recent months. We’re already on tenterhooks for the release of Firaxis’ Marvel’s Midnight Suns and Marvel’s Wolverine. But a bonafide Marvel MMO? That’s talking our language.

New Marvel MMO - What do we Know?

Details were woefully scant on the ‘big’ reveal. Although there are a few titbits available to us:

  • It is being developed by the same team behind DC Universe Online: Dimensional Ink. Meaning we’re in safe hands.

  • Jack Emmert, the DC Universe Online lead and one of the brains behind City of Heroes, is heading up the project.

  • It is a ‘longer-term’ project, meaning we’re unlikely to be blessed with an official reveal or a sniff of a trailer for a long time yet.

Needless to say, however, we’ll be watching this one keenly as it develops.

What Else Was Revealed?

The Marvel MMO announcement wasn’t the only tasty morsel of info to be had from the presentation, however. Daybreak, who is also responsible for Lord of the Rings Online, also unveiled plans to capitalise on the release of Amazon’s upcoming LOTR series.

The slide promised investment in “a major revamp to upgrade the visuals, modernize the experience and release on consoles”. A pretty wise move in our eyes, given that Amazon’s own LOTR MMO recently fell apart.

Daybreak also promised graphical upgrades for DC Universe Online as well as an expansion for 2023.

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