Something is afoot with gamigo. And, from what we’ve seen so far, it’s pretty dark. In a teaser video that marks the start of a wider teaser campaign, we know a few things about this new gamigo MMO. One: it’s going to be rich in lore. Two: it’s another fantasy jaunt replete with demons. And three: it’s probably not for the faint hearted.

Details on the new gamigo MMO are incredibly scant. Only the most tenacious sleuths have had a punt at deciphering what’s in store - though we’d wager that it’s all-too-early to hop aboard the fan theory bandwagons. For now, all we have to go on is this creepy ‘first chapter’ that tells of demons, gore and *gulp* infant sacrifice.

From this alone, we at least know that this new gamigo MMO is no [**Trove**]( or [**Grand Fantasia**]( It’s also probably fair to say that we’ll be treated to a heavy dose of horror, if the narrator's graphic descriptions are anything to go by. But make no mistake: whatever this dark path reveals, we’re here for it.

Gamigo have promised more information in the coming weeks in the form of regular drip-fed updates. To help get the ball rolling, however, the Twitter account is encouraging the hungry masses to retweet their initial reveal in exchange for more.

So for now, we’d recommend keeping a beady eye on their socials, as well as their official teaser website ‘uncertainfolder’. What does that URL and the creeping eclipse in the video mean for the upcoming title? We can speculate, but it’s probably not long before we get the next chapter to this saga. So watch this space. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.