Have you ever wished you could be even better friends with your Pokemon buddy in Pokemon Go? Well if you have then you are in luck because the Pokemon Go Buddy Adventure Feature is coming soon. What is that? Well, I’m glad you asked.
With the Buddy Adventure feature, you will have an all-new way to interact with your Pokemon. You’ll be able to see your buddies out in the world on the map, actually walking, or flying by your side. When you have AR+ mode on you will be able to feed your buddies and interact with them like never before.
Click on me to make me bigger.
You will also be able to level up your friendship with your Pokemon buddy by doing a number of different things. They include walking together, playing together, battling together, visiting a new place and more.
Here are the perks for using the Buddy Adventure feature:
Good Buddy: Your buddy can join you on your map view! You’ll also see how your buddy feels on the buddy profile page.
Great Buddy: Having a hard time catching a Pokémon? Your buddy may help you out in Pokémon encounters! It can also bring you items that can help you in your Pokémon GO journey.
Ultra Buddy: Your buddy will help you explore the world around you by letting you know about interesting places nearby! Your buddy will also bring you Souvenirs, which you can keep track of on the buddy profile page.
Best Buddy: Become Best Buddies, and your buddy will sport a Best Buddy Ribbon to show off to everyone just how close you two are! Pokémon that you’re Best Buddies with can get a CP boost in combat as long as they’re still assigned as your Buddy Pokémon.
When you’ve reached the highest mood you can also unlock the following perks:
The distance it takes for your buddy to find Candy will be cut in half.
The number of hearts earned per action will double.
Trainers can earn bonus hearts!
[caption id="attachment_338614" align="aligncenter" width="146"] Click on me to make me bigger[/caption]
After the initial launch of Buddy Adventure Niantic is also introducing a shared AR+ mode. This will allow up to 3 players to take group photos of themselves together with their buddies.
There is a fantastic new dev blog post up on the official Pokemon Go site that talks about the design that went into the Buddy Adventure feature as well as some of the hardships. How DO you feed an Alolan Exeggutor? For the answer that we’re going to have to wait until the feature is released. We don’t know yet when that will be
Source: Pokemon Go Official Site