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Chinese dragons, Eastern vistas and a playable race of tiger people. For fans of Chinese fantasy, Perfect World certainly lives up to its name. First released in 2005, Perfect World is a classic MMORPG that still maintains an enthusiastic fanbase, making its port to mobile almost inevitable. Well that day has come, and now’s your chance to pre-register and stock up on some extra goodies.

Perfect World: Revolution is an attractive reimagining of its PC predecessor, bringing the vibrant 3D world to our portable screens. Despite ambitious innovations that make it feel like a new game, the mobile port aims to make new and returning players feel right at home. And generous Perfect World: Revolution pre-registration rewards should certainly help.

Chinese Fantasy Setting

With the return of its iconic eastern aesthetic, architecture, and character design also comes seven character classes and three races. Expect to encounter mythological beasts as you wield ornate weapons and traverse an untouched landscape based on ancient Chinese history. A breath of fresh air for those that may have spent too long in more European-inspired fantasy settings. Bring on the long dragons.

Play With One Hand

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Perfect World: Revolution, however, is its one-handed gameplay. Designed to be played in portrait mode, a carefully-considered control scheme allows for true on-the-go gameplay. The chance to explore a brand new MMORPG in one hand whilst shovelling food in our face with the other sounds almost too good to be true.

Perfect World: Revolution Pre-registration Rewards

Pre-registration is open now and plenty of rewards await, including a guaranteed Wanderer costume. Then, as registration numbers increase, so does the loot. With milestones netting players everything from 10,000 silver coins and a chest for 200k registrations, to a Hell Hound mount and Revolutionary title for 800k. As for the Mystery Pack worth 400 bound gold ingots, we can only dream what’s in store.

To get involved, head over to the Perfect World: Revolution website and register. Then get ready as we await its arrival on Android and iOS.

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