If you’re like everyone at the MMOGames office then you’re eagerly waiting for any taste of the City of Heroes spiritual successors. Well, this weekend you’ll be able to take part in a Ship of Heroes alpha test. For this test, they’re inviting supporters who have donated at least $25 to the development of the game to participate.
The goal of the test is to see how the server does with a large population in a small area. This will have a direct impact on how the game is shaped going forward with things like raids, teaming, and optimization. Players won’t be able to create a character, instead, they’ll just log straight in under the Arch. This is where the devs will be able to easily gather data and players will be able to reminisce about the last time they gathered together to create AP 33. Every character will have their own unique look that has been created by the devs themselves. This is to really put the game to the test with so much variety. There will be as many as 100 players in one small area at any given time so if you’re on an older computer your FPS may suffer. But, the goal is to keep a good FPS of 30 or higher throughout the event. The developers will also be hanging around so don’t be surprised if one says hello.
If you haven’t donated to Ship of Heroes yet and you’d like to participate in the alpha test on Saturday, December 15th at 10 AM Eastern you can still do so for one more day before the cutoff on December 11th at 10 AM Eastern. Register your interest in the alpha test by going to the Official Site. Hopefully, we will see you there!
Source: Press Release