The second annual #SpawnTogether campaign begun by AbleGamers COO, Steven Spohn, launched on Wednesday. The event, which starts each year on Steven Spohn’s own birthday, aims to raise $1m for AbleGamers throughout the course of the year. And we’re feeling positive about it. Because the target has already been smashed once, after all.

On 15th September 2020, Spohn decided to celebrate his 40th birthday milestone in one particularly ambitious manner. By raising $1m for charity. No biggie. Most of us would be happy with a next-gen console. But the milestone carried extra meaning for Spohn, who has been told by doctors that he could die ‘any day now’. But, Spohn wanted, in his own words, “to ensure AbleGamers can outlive me.”


Well, one year on and Steven Spohn not only smashed that target by mid-August 2021, but he’s back at it again with round two. And while Twitch threw a huge level of support his way last year with a $1m donation of their own, Spohn is keen to focus on small-dollar donations from individual streamers and gamers to highlight the campaign’s mantra. Which is to bring people together.

AbleGamers is a charity that specifically harnesses social gaming to help bring those living with disabilities out of isolation. While the world has felt the effects of isolation during the pandemic, too many people with disabilities lived through the experience for far longer. And as MMO fans know all-too well, multiplayer gaming is one hell of a boon.

So we are very hopeful that we’ll be reporting another success story this time next year. All that’s needed is for gamers the world over to unite and #SpawnTogether. Be it through individual donations, or fundraisers of their own. If you're interested in helping with his amazing cause, here's how you can help. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.