It stands to reason that an artist for the comic book known as Tank Girl would be drawn to World of Tanks when you think about it. Hence we have the World of Tanks Outcasts, a collection of three mercenary commanders and their genuinely unique machines from the mind of artist Brett Parson.
The three new characters for the console version of World of Tanks come by way of a partnership between the game, ARTitude publishing house collective, and the famous comic book artist Brett Parson whose name will strike familiar to Tank Girl and New Romancer fans.
Each member of the Outcasts has a tank for each weight class. The Banana Buster heavy tank manned by 40 Watt Club is a heavily armored brawler; Battalion 23's Beach Party medium tank sports an extremely powerful main gun; and the light T.A.N.K. commanded by The Buck combines speed and mobility for close-quarters engagements.
All three of these new mercenaries can be added to your Garage from now until December 11th with the purchase of a bundle which also includes 30 days of Premium game time and some consumables, or you can wait to purchase them individually at a later date. For now, you can get a glimpse of these new vehicles in action below.
Our Thoughts
This really does feel a lot like an obvious collaboration, all things considered. We definitely have to admit that these new tanks have some striking visual flair and hope that they're as much fun to drive into battle as they are to look at. Assuming they're not pay-to-win, of course.
Source: official site