We’ve said it before, but Valheim is a great multiplayer game. Fighting for survival in the afterlife is ludicrously fun with a few friends. But a Valheim MMO? Now that’s our cup of mead.

So far, the modders that have been given the keys to the Valheim kingdom have made some incredible changes. The wonderful world of Valheim mods have already brought MMO fans a Norse-ified Azeroth, which certainly helped to fill an MMO-shaped hole for many of us. But with a kingdom so vast, there’s still plenty of room for extras. About 1,000 extras, to be precise.

Enter the crack-team of modders who have been working on a project to bring 1,000-player strong servers to Valheim. The same guys responsible for a World of Warcraft server project called MaNGOS have been working on a Valheim rendition dubbed VaLNGOS. Top tip: just pretend the ‘L’ is silent.

Valheim MMO

According to its website, the Valheim Large Networks Game Object Server Suite project’s priorities include “enabling high performance 1000+ slot servers, ease of mod scripting and third party integration, un-modded client compatibility and community-driven leadership.” It is currently in its research phase, so we’re not sure how long it will be before we can get stuck in. But like most good things, it’ll come to those who wait.

Of course, the ramifications of having so many vikings running around Valheim at once are pretty game-changing. With the ability to implement further mods such as Valheim Legends, which adds traditional MMO classes to the game such as mages and druids, VaLNGOS looks set to reinvigorate an already wildly popular game with an influx of MMO fanatics.

Needless to say, a Valheim MMO would have easily made our list of games that should become MMOs. So we say thank you to the VaLNGOS team for aiming to make this dream a reality.

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