New FFXIV jobs are always part of new expansions - but Yoshi-P is going to need to start getting creative.
Yoshi-P: New FFXIV Jobs Will Be Completely Unique
With the advent of jobs such as the Sage with their hovering nouliths and unique damage/healing system, it's sometimes hard to fathom where Final Fantasy XIV could go next. But we can rest assured they are going somewhere - as Yoshi-P agreed in a recent interview that new FFXIV jobs are par for the course. Even if he doesn't quite know what they're going to be.
The Final Fantasy XIV producer & director recently sat down with Final Fantasy XI producer Akihiko Matsui for the website We Are Vana'diel as FFXI celebrates 20 years on the scene. During the chat, Yoshida expressed how difficult it can be to implement new FFXIV jobs, especially when the current selection is balanced. But like greedy chicks in a nest clamoring for morsels, our hunger for new content is insatiable. A situation that Matsui can empathize with.
"Back in Chains of Promathia, we were heavily criticized by foreign media for releasing a new expansion without any new jobs. Considering that, we might say it's a "rule of design" to provide either a new job or playable race as the main feature of a new expansion," Matsui said.
And he's not wrong. We imagine that, despite the 20 jobs that FFXIV offers already, the idea of a new expansion that doesn't introduce the customary two new jobs is probably enough to have FFXIV fans turning their noses up in protest. But Yoshida is running out of material to draw from.
"Job names are especially tough. *Laughs wryly* After all, there's no point if a job is similar to its namesake in name only; its gameplay experience needs to match their pre-established design too. At this point, I'm thinking we have no choice but to come up with brand new jobs that haven't appeared in the FF series before," Yoshida said.
Which, if we're being honest, sounds…pretty great actually. It's all good and well introducing jobs that may be unique to Final Fantasy as a whole. But to bestow upon the dedicated FFXIV fans a job that has never before been seen elsewhere? Yes please.
Either way, despite lamenting the tribulations of creating new FFXIV jobs, Yoshi-P certainly didn't rule out the process for the next expansion. And as we wait for details, we can't wait to see what theories the rumor mill is going to start churning out.