Will the New World February Update change the fates of the struggling MMORPG?
A New Start? The New World February Update
Following a somewhat steep decline in player numbers since its momentous launch, New World may be about to enjoy its most game-changing update yet. The New World February update is live as of today, and is set to deliver over 100 fixes and updates. Sometimes, there's nothing like a fresh start.
After months of being plagued by bugs and balance issues, it looks as though the New World February update might deliver fixes in spades. Here are some of the highlights.
- Bug Fixes - Multiple bugs have been squashed in both Expeditions and in the World.
- General AI - The pushback from colliding with AI has been significantly reduced, including reducing pushback on blocking creature attacks to 0.
- Expedition AI - Changes to the Blighted Greenskeeper, Genesis Shama, Angry Earth Naga and Chardis.
- Combat - This is where the bulk of the changes arise, with weapon swapping, dodging & blocking, jumping, attributes and just about every weapon in the game all getting a good seeing to.
- War & Invasion - A few updates including the ability to see the Scoreboard whilst waiting to respawn.
- Outpost Rush - Multiple bug fixes join a reworked scoring and rewards system.
- Quests - Another slew of bug fixes to help smooth out certain quests.
- Economy/Progression/Rewards - 10% XP requirement reduction to certain trade skills, a touch-up of certain drops and myriad crafting bug fixes.
- EX, UI & Social - A new Trade Chat channel has been introduced along with a Camp Warning notification and a few other features.
- A lot more…
The size of the update is pretty impressive, and we imagine that New World may now see a spike in player numbers for addressing some of the community's largest concerns. For a very large and comprehensive list of these changes, however, be sure to swing by the official notes.
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