Dragon Saga, known in Korea as Dragonica, is a free to play side scrolling fantasy MMORPG set in a world where Dragons roam the land and the heavens, and a civilization with extraordinary magical powers. This world, the world of Dragon Saga, will take new adventurers into the discovery of its riches and traditions. Since the close of the Dragon War, dragons and humans lived in peace on separate worlds - humans on their homeland, and dragons exiled to the depths of the Aether. Dragon Saga’s combat is fast and intense so players need to master the unique attacks, combo chains and advanced skills of their class to stay on top!
Dragon Saga Key Features
Choose Your Class - Select from Warrior, Magician, Archer, Thief, Shaman, and Twin Fighter, and learn to master their unique skills and abilities!
Pets, Pets, Pets - Collect diverse pets that provide bonuses from stat boosts to extra inventory slots, and serve functions from mounts to combat companions!
Decorate Your Home - Decorate your own private home with special furniture that provides in game buffs! Now, relaxing at home is more rewarding than ever before!
Adventure Awaits - Explore and join with other players to confront mission map bosses, and defeat them for loot and xp!
Improve Your Gear - Enchant and Soulcraft your equipment, and be ready to face all challenges!