Flower Knight Girl is a free to play, browser-based Japanese action-adventure game where you lead the Flower Knight Order into battle to save the world. The world of Spring Garden was attacked by the Harbinger of Doom, an insect king and his army, nearly 1000 years ago. In all the years since, the Flower Knights have fought to save their homeland from the insects who would wholly devour it. It falls to you to lead the Flower Knights, traveling the world and fighting against the hungry insect forces. Build and equip your squads and lead them into the wide world, and play your part in defending the world of Spring Garden!
Flower Knight Girl Key Features
Build Your Squad - Build your teams from the Anime-inspired rosters of the Flower Knight Order. Every Flower Knight brings unique strengths and weaknesses to the battle, so choose who to team with who wisely.
You Are In Command - You must lead your squads across the world and into battles against all sorts of enemies. Lead them well, equip them with the best gear, and train them to be their best, and victory will be yours!
Epic Adventures - Travel the width and breadth of Spring Garden, pushing back the invasive insects. Fight in battles great and small, using tactics and teamwork to overcome all challenges. Team up with other players for even tougher challenges!