Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is an augmented reality mobile game set in the fun and fantastic Harry Potter universe, created by J.K. Rowling. Brought to you by Niantic, the makers of Pokémon GO, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite uses state-of-the-art augmented reality technology to reveal the magic all around us. Explore real-world neighborhoods and cities to discover mysterious artifacts and learn to cast spells. Along the way, you will also encounter legendary beasts and iconic characters, deepening the Harry Potter experience. Get your wands ready and brush up on your Defense Against the Dark Arts; you'll need it!
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Key Features
Immerse Yourself - Augmented reality games involve you in the story like no games have before. You actually interact with the game world all around you! Whether in your own neighborhood or traveling abroad, there's always new spells and magic to discover, new creatures to encounter, new adventures to experience.
Live The Story - As you explore and play Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, you will meet characters, creatures, and more from the beloved Harry Potter universe. Other wizards, lost artifacts, hidden spells and sources of power, and fantastic beasts await. Be prepared, be bold, and be wary... and try to not let too many Muggles see you!
Out And About - Augmented reality games offer unique chances to meet other players in real life! As you explore the world of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will undoubtedly encounter other wizards and witches, and maybe make some new lasting friendships. Walking is healthy, as is fresh air, sunlight, and social interaction, but do be sure to keep your eyes on your surroundings; even Wizards must look before they cross the street.