Rise of Incarnates is an upcoming multiplayer free-to-play online Action fighting game published and developed by Bandai Namco Games. Rise of Incarnates, as the title suggests, allow players to take the role of powerful humans known as 'Incarnates'. These individuals are capable of drawing powers from daimones; spiritual manifestations of mythological gods, demons, and monsters. These powers allow them to transform into monstrous creatures or summon them as assists in battle. The gameplay resembles that of the Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs series, allowing players to perpetually lock-on to a target and glide freely across the map. Take control of one of these powerful Incarnates and fight for it all!
Rise of Incarnates Key Features
Dream Team - Due to the wide range or unique heroes and characters, with this feature you can create your powerful team and try your strength.
2v2 Battle - This feature allows you to achieve your mission through the team battles.
Taste Customization - Tired to play with typical heroes? With this awesome feature you will be able to customize your character according to your tastes and preferences!
Mythical Abilities - Would like to play with mythical heroes? Then, this feature for you! Each character has a unique mythical ability which transfers to the power.