Star Wars: Battlefront is an immersive shooter in which players battle it out on land and in the skies across the Star Wars universe. The next installment in the action packed Battlefront series, Star Wars: Battlefront lets players experience the sci-fi Star Wars universe and story as never before! Star Wars: Battlefront offers stunning graphics and fast-paced action, allowing players to fight for the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance alongside friends - and against opponents - from all over the world. Star Wars: Battlefront is not a sequel to the other games, but rather a rework, showcasing the power of the Frostbite 3 graphics engine.
Star Wars: Battlefront Key Features
Go For A Wild Ride: Take control of famous Star Wars vehicles and starships, from speederbiles and TIE fighters to the Millenium Falcon herself, to fight on land and in the sky
Solo Or Multiplayer Modes: Play online in several types of multiplayer matches with up to fifty players on one map, or offline, in a single player mission mode
Personalize Your Experience: Weapons, characters, gear, and abilities are customizable, and play in 1st or 3rd person view
Travel The Galaxy: Battle across exotic planets, from the lush forests of Endor, to the frozen wastes of Hoth, to the searing suns-baked deserts of Tattooine, and even to Jakku!
Step Into The Role: Bring order to the galaxy by taking control of Darth Vader, or save the galaxy as Luke Skywalker!
A Living Game: With regular DLC releases of things like new maps, missions, and modes, Star Wars: Battlefront will continue to offer players new game experiences, again and again!