The latest skillset to be introduced to the ArcheAge roster is probably the rootin’est, and certainly the tootin’est, yet. The gunslinger introduces a total of 66 new classes when combined with existing classes, and has come at the perfect time for mindful players who prefer socially-distanced battles. It arrives as part of the Akasch Invasion update which also introduces a brand new location.

Wielding rifles in place of simple bows and arrows, the new skillset allows players to wreak havoc with potent AOE and ranged attacks. It also brings some devastating critical debuffs...which makes sense if the plan-of-attack is to shoot the enemy in the face. All we need now is a western location to round off this cowboy aesthetic.

Archeage gunslinger

Situated in the western parts of Auroria, Ipnya Ridge can be explored with the help of two new companions, Ardios and Lauryla. Players of all factions can also join forces to face off against an ancient enemy. The implication being, of course, that this particular beast is worth setting aside your differences for.

Additionally, ArcheAge now has a new character chronical called The Nuon Dragon War, calling on adventurers to unveil the truth behind the sudden changes in the Karkasse Ridgelands whilst unearthing the history of the extinct Nuon race.

The update will be available to both ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained on 25th March, with pre-sales for various bundles available on gamigo’s distribution platform, Glyph. So strap on your holster and get ready to prove that you’re the fastest gun West of Auroria. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.