When it comes to the vast amounts of charm exuded by Atlas Reactor, there’s no doubt that it’s mostly thanks to its charismatic roster of Freelancers; particularly as one of those Freelancers is a robotic wardog named Pup. Well, now players of the Atlas Reactor spinoff, Atlas Rogues, can rejoice as the latest content update brings the beloved Blackburn and Pup back into the fold, alongside a host of other improvements.

The tactical rogue-lite title has been enjoying a run in early-access since the autumn, with patches and updates steadily ironing out the creases that have inevitably arisen ahead of its final release scheduled for later this year. But, while this latest update does offer some bug fixes, this substance of its new content is an exciting sign that Rogues is one step closer to the finish line.

Lockwood - the rebel arms dealer, Rask - the plasma-fueled hybrid beast, and Helios - the genius inventor are just a few of the fan-favourite Freelancers that comprise the current line-up. But now fans of the series will be wagging their tails with the introduction (or reintroduction) of Blackburn and Pup as they join the fight to retrieve the Reactor Keys from the evil Trusts.

Blackburn and pup

In addition to the new Freelancers, players can now look forward to a new Skin System. Those who have shown their support for the project by purchasing early access are being graced with a Golden Age skin for their current and upcoming Freelancers as a token of gratitude from Gamigo.

Finally, this latest update also brings with it the ability for teams in Co-op mode to share their gear and talents with one another, helping to fill-out the strategies and mechanics of the multiplayer mode.

We’re looking forward to seeing what comes next as Atlas Rogues continues to grow with positive support from its ardent fan base - so swing by the official website to stay in the loop and watch this space as we learn more in the coming months.

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