With Amazon Prime already sporting the crown for convenience, this month they’re even ramping up the perks for MMO gamers. Whether you’ve yet to play Pearl Abyss’ wildly popular Black Desert Online, or if you’re a BDO enthusiast, Prime members can now reap some pretty substantial rewards. And it doesn’t really get more convenient than playing the game for free.
From now until 5th May, Prime members based in North America, Europe and Oceania can download BDO for free on console and PC. Plus, BDO veterans can even get in on the fun by taking advantage of some celebratory in-game rewards including a free pet for PC and console, and the Maid Fairy Irene for console (who can help adventurers find, manage and transport important resources). Once players gather those resources - you know who to store them with (along with your worries).
Also lined up is an event to help celebrate the recent appearance of the new Sage class. These Sage-specific rewards include:
A seven-day Value Package, Eyes of the Wise, Atoraxxion Chandelier and Trainer’s Flute for completing Sage quests.
Items including Cron Stones, Advice of Valks, Gold Bars, Artisan’s Memory, Laila’s Petal and Shakatu’s Rare Chest for adventurers that grow Sage to level 62 before 28th April.
The appearance of the ancient Kyve in the hunting grounds, ready to dole out 300% more skill EXP and 100% combat EXP when confronted.
In addition, the PVP Arena of Arsha tournament has re-emerged for North American and European players. In this tournament players can hash it out for the ‘Unrivaled’ Title, Arsha Skill Instructor Qualification, the Glorious Arsha Awakening Weapon, a heap of additional loot and, of course, priceless glory. The event will be monitored by the Pear Abyss devs all the while, so if you take part make sure to feed back to help influence the future of class balance.
So, if you’re a Prime member, simply login to your Prime account and head over to the designated page to claim your rewards. Happy adventuring, BDO fans!
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