It has been nearly 2 years since we first reported about it but Dark Age of Camelot is now Free to Play. This new Free to Play option, called Endless Conquest is open to all new players and any old players who have had their accounts closed for at least 180 days.

There are a few restrictions on free to play accounts that you should be aware of before you jump in. First, you won’t have access to Champion Level Abilities. You’re also limited with a Realm Skill Point Spend Cap of 60/130. There’s also a Realm Switch Time of 4 hours versus 15 minutes for Veteran accounts. With a Race Change Token, you’ll only be able to change to EC-enabled races. You also won’t get Veteran rewards or Holiday Gifts. You’ll also be limited in which races and classes you can play. You also won’t have access to housing. Basically, all the restrictions that are put in place are pretty standard. Of course, you don’t have to play on a free to play account, you can still subscribe to the game to be a Veteran and have full access to everything DAoC has to offer.

Dark Age of Camelot is 18 years old and honestly, it’s a little bit surprising that they didn’t have a free to play option sooner. Let’s hope that this helps the game continue its amazing streak. If you want to give the game a try head over to the official website for Dark Age of Camelot (linked below) and create a new account!

Source: Official Site