Since the overhaul of the Encounter Surveillance System in EVE Online, the reserve bank has been amassing a very tasty sum of ISK. So much, in fact, that it would seem CCP Games are keen to lighten the load. As the latest event to grace deep space seems to cater for would-be space bandits: The Grand Heist.

For each bounty earned in EVE, the reserve bank takes a cut. Needless to say, this has resulted in an inordinate pile of ISK - 20 trillion (the equivalent of $210,000) to be precise. And now is the chance for Capsuleers to channel their inner Han Solo, and relieve the bogged-down bank of that not-so-hard-earned moolah.

Brand new Secure Commerce Commission (SCC) authorised keys are floating around low security space in the SCC’s secure key storage sites. Pilots must pull off step one of their heist by raiding these sites and securing one of eight types of reserve keys. Each key will have a corresponding quadrant of the map where it can be used and a duration that it will hold the reserve bank open.

Grand Heist

Then it’s time for the coup de grâce as the carefully planned-out heist gets underway and Capsuleers start blasting the Ocean’s 11 soundtrack. Intrusion into the bank will alert the entire region so it’s not a case of a quick in-and-out. Opportunistic roving fleets and covetous pirates are sure to descend. So players must secure the grid for the duration of the unlock period or have their window of opportunity snapped shut.

Alongside this new event comes a brand new makeover for the ESS, as well as a new way to interact with it. All the information for the universe’s most daring Capsuleers can be procured from the official Grand Heist news page. Good luck, space cowboys. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.