Whether you like it or not, we’re already two thirds of the way through 2021. And EVE Online is here to remind us of that unfortunate fact with their Quadrant 3 launch. Luckily, with all of it’s high-octane content, they’re poised to make us feel a lot better about it.
Quadrant 3, entitled Gateway, focusses chiefly on enhancing the experience for new and returning players. The all-new onboarding experience delivers a rich and emotionally-driven narrative, all while delivering the essential lessons on how to play CCP Games’ flagship title. And it's got an epic trailer, to boot.
“It is the best time in EVE’s 18-year history for pilots to fly into New Eden,” said Bergur Finnbogason, EVE Online’s Creative Director. “The heart of EVE Online has always been its players. For Quadrant 3 we are opening up the Gateway for new Capsuleers into EVE Online, starting with the new player experience. I’m excited to see how these new pilots will shape the game for years to come!”Short of being an update exclusively for newbies, however, there are still plenty plenty of improvements to enhance the spacefaring experience for existing Capsuleers.
Changes to resource distribution will be implemented, with further changes to come in November’s Quadrant 4. Plus, Gateway will introduce customisable skill plans, which will allow players to build and share a list of skills without purchasing or injecting them first.
“There are many ways to learn and grow in EVE now, whether it’s the training program, skill plans, or EVE Academy,” said Merkelchen, a member of the CSM 16, EVE’s democratically elected council of player representatives. “The veteran community is excited about this and there is truly no time like the present to jump into EVE, no matter how familiar you are with it.”
To top it all off, CCP Games are making the hyper-jump to the Epic Games store from 23rd September.
To check out all of the details in EVE’s upcoming Gateway update, head to the official website’s blog post.
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