A brand new adventure has emerged in Grand Fantasia, pitting players against the nefarious Carso as he strives to unleash the Day of Destiny on Elsaland. The update brings a slew of new maps and a dungeon that may hold the secret to stopping Carso in his tracks. Plus, as a special Easter treat, players can engage with a new XP Challenge over the course of the weekend.

Thanks to Carso’s rude interference, Elsaland has been warped into an unfamiliar landscape. By banding together with friends and travelling alongside Zindel and Prophet Babama, players can attempt to unravel the mysteries behind this uncanny turn of events. But keep your wits about you as this topsy-turvy terrain is rife with bewitching residue from crystals that float in the atmosphere.

The new Alternate Dimension maps arriving as part of the event include Auris Bay, Knight Valley and Ancient Polar Ruins. Meanwhile, the Seal-Guarding Palace is awaiting intrepid explorers to delve into its depths and uncover the secrets that may hold the key to stopping Carso.

Grand Fantasia Alternate Elsaland

Also, as of now until midnight (server time), Sprite Messengers have a chance to increase the boost of their Easter weekend up to XP5 and Drop x5. To take part, players must visit the Grand Fantasia Discord where a dedicate #easter-challengers tab has been set up. By completing up to 20 challenges as a team within this time-frame, players can reap the following rewards:

  • 5 missions: XP2 and Drop x2

  • 10 missions: XP3 and Drop x3

  • 15 missions: XP4 and Drop x4

  • 20 missions: XP5 and Drop x5

There’s no time to lose, so make sure you check out all the details over at the official Grand Fantasia XP Challenge page and get the most out of your Easter Weekend.

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