Gamigo’s anime-style MMORPG Grand Fantasia is receiving one hefty update. And a suitably bombastic title to boot. Grand Fantasia Patch 35: Ultimate Force will deliver a bunch of end-game content for level 100 characters, mid-autumn season celebratory events, and some quality of life improvements to sweeten the deal.
Grand Fantasia Patch 35 Key Features:
Monthly Event - Eternal Beauty
The monthly event centers around the immortal Chan Juan, whose pursuit of eternal youth and beauty led to her banishment to the moon. In spite of this, Chan Juan has created the Winter Palace from which she will be running a large-scale beauty contest. That’s a power move if ever we saw one.
Participants will be able to complete several quests to earn a fortune bag that may contain a new head costume. Plus, the coveted title of ‘Eternal Beauty’ hangs in the balance. There are certainly worse things you can be called.
Image: gamigo
Mid-Autumn Festival - The Demon Tree
A toothy demonic tree has somehow crash landed onto Saphael. And as demons are wont to do, it’s out for revenge. Players will now need to stop the Demon King from destroying everything, with ample reward awaiting those who saved the world.
Level 100 Skills
Players who now reach level 100 will receive all-new Specialisation Skill Types. Players can reach their full potential by investing a specific amount of specialisation points - so distribute wisely.
Quality of Life Improvements
A patch isn’t a patch with some QOL improvements thrown in, after all. So expect a more streamlined experience including new ways to obtain a Quill Crystal in The Old Siwa Island, hyperlinks to give others coordinates to locate an NPC or monster and an update to the ‘recruit teammates’ interface.
For all the hot gossip, check out the official news item on the Grand Fantasia website. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.