No matter how many weird and wonderful directions new MMO concepts may take us, sometimes the classics are simply the best. There is perhaps no greater example of this than the fact that WoW maintains, to this day, the largest player-base of the genre. However, if that monthly subscription is too much for you to bear, then we may have the perfect solution.

Scars of Honor is an upcoming free-to-play fantasy MMORPG replete with all the trimmings that we know and adore. Two factions face off in the open fantasy world of Aragon, tasked with dungeons (which will scale with the player’s level), quests, and raids to complete in a stylised backdrop centred around player-to-player interaction. In other words, don’t expect to go raiding with naught but your trusty axe in tow and expect to come out smiling.

Factions comprise a mix of the usual suspects with an extra helping of the supernatural. Humans, High Elves, Dwarves and the ursine Bearans head up The Sacred Order whilst The Domination harbours Undead, Orcs, Infernal Demons and Minotaurs. Corresponding classes of Warrior, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Ranger, Druid Witch, Pirate, Assassin and Necromancer are available to specific races, meaning your choice of race carries more weight than just their badass aesthetics.

Currently in its pre-alpha stage, this indie MMORPG still has a way to go. But developers Beast Burst Entertainment, whose motto for the project reads ‘FROM the Community FOR the Community’, are especially keen in these early stages to have community input help mould the end result, meaning this project could take some pretty exciting turns along the way.

With all that in mind, we figured now is a great time to shine a light on this particular indie project. Fans of this time-honoured genre can throw their weight behind its development and shape Scars of Honor into a truly community-driven final product. If the idea appeals to you, head over to the official website to sign up for the pre-alpha test, offer your two cents, and keep an eye on the project as it develops. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.