The MMO gaming community is abuzz with news of the next title to grace the Indie Spotlight. Palia looks set to be the breath of fresh air that so many gamers have been yearning for. And we’re not just talking about its picturesque setting.

The development team of Palia comprises a host of highly-qualified devs hailing from Blizzard, Epic, and Riot Games to name a few. And their vision could very well be the next big thing that MMO fans have been waiting for.

The Setting

Palia is a community simulation game set in a whimsical (and frankly breathtaking) world where humans are the ‘legendary’ race. After having disappeared for thousands of years and only recently re-emerging, it is up to players to re-establish themselves in a world that’s baffled by their presence.

Crafting, fishing, home improvements and exploration are just a few of the activities that players can busy themselves with as they decide whether to delve into the mysteries of their disappearance. But when you find yourself sitting on some dreamy riverbank with your rod in the water, we wouldn’t blame you for being distracted from the ‘main mission’.


Community Sim = No PvP

One of the most unique selling points of Palia that’s getting so many MMORPG fans’ heads turning is its complete lack of violence. After all, it is billed as a ‘community sim’, and the word ‘community’ certainly doesn’t engender images of its members dismembering one another.

Prospective players and Palia itself are quickly drawing comparisons to mellow games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. And while there will be many hotheads that decry its lack of combat, we’d wager that there aren’t too many that would turn their nose up at a game devoid of aggro. After all, just look at the success of the two aforementioned games. Now just imagine them, but massively multiplayer.

Instead, the aim of the game in Palia is to explore, build, cultivate, and ‘find purpose’. Will this game be akin to therapy? For many, probably.

However, it's not simply a vibrant sandbox with naught but interior design and soul-searching to keep you occupied. Though that does already sound alluring. The devs have promised an ever-evolving narrative, shaped in tandem with the players themselves. Whatever that narrative is, we can’t wait to discover it.

The jury’s still out on when Palia will finally land. But it’s safe to say that its announcement alone was sufficient to drum up significant buzz. So, for our money, we think this is definitely one to watch. To keep up with announcements, including the pre-alpha sign ups, be sure to swing by the official Palia website. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.