It's always a sad moment when an MMO shuts down. As the industry grows and matures more titles find themselves on the chopping block.Today, JC Planet has announced it will be shutting down its server for Legend of Silkroad on December 31st of this year. according to a notice posted on the official website, the publisher states the shut down is due to "developer difficulties" and an interest in focusing on other games. All hope is not lost though. Although JC Planet is ceasing operations, the original developer of the game JoyMax still operates servers for Silkroad and it's sequel.


For those interested in continuing to play Silkroad, more information can be found at the JoyMax Official website.

It is with a heavy heart that today we must inform you that on December 31st, 2014, JC Planet will shut down the servers for Legend of Silkroad according to developer’s difficulty. Also, forum and the website will be closed to players by then.

Although this was a very difficult decision to discontinue, we believe this will allow us to focus on servicing new and engaging games.We sincerely appreciate your continued support and understanding.

We look forward to seeing you again in our other games!