Magical battle-royale title Spellbreak is turning the page in its latest major update, delving further into its narrative-led undertaking. The plot is starting to thicken with the arrival of The Fracture, the second chapter in the story of the Vowbreakers, complete with a shiny new anime-style trailer. Which, we might add, is bringing some real Avatar: The Last Airbender vibes.

April 8th marks the start of 12 weeks of story-led content including new quests that continue from Chapter 1: The Spellstorm, introducing some more unique NPCs as well as in-game missions and themed cosmetic items. If you want a taste of what’s to come, then feast your eyes:

However, it’s not all about the drama. The update will also bring with it some brand new mechanics, including Dominion Mode. This new feature will see teams of five-against-five vying for dominance over three control zones. By keeping a hold of the control zones and exiling enemies, teams will accrue the points necessary to clinch victory.

To make things a little more interesting, NPCs will be dotted around the map ready to drop helpful items and scrolls. Plus, look out for a shady merchant willing to trade better gear for your redundant Boons.

Following on from the new Dominion Mode is the new Leagues feature, which ups the ante on in-game competition. Players can now partake in ranked matches and progression tiers with exclusive awards awaiting the most successful and skilful players. How long before we see Spellbreak on the esports circuit, we wonder?

For all the information on **Spellbreak Chapter 2 as we wait for 8th April, check out the official website. is committed to bringing you all the freshest, funniest, and most insightful MMO news. If you enjoyed this content, why not share it with your community? And make sure that you never miss our updates and exclusive giveaways by following and favouriting us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.