While at TennoCon 2017, I had the opportunity to attend the Art Panel where Warframe's graphic designers unveiled concept art for potential future updates. These designs included new weapons, armor, ships, outposts, enemies, and even unannounced warframes. Here is the released artwork, broken down by category.

warframe tennocon 2017


There was quite a large variety of weapons shown off in the Art Panel. These included a Grineer rifle and shotgun, Corpus pistol and shotgun, Wraith tints, a bundle for the next warframe, Armor Prime, and a variety of melee weapons. The items titled 'Mystery Melees' are a sample of the custom weapons available in the Plains of Eidolon update.

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Ships and Stations

There is a new Tenno ship design in the work that could act as a future player hub. It will have a standard and defensive mode. We were also given a glimpse of massive Sentient outposts that ranged from satellite designs to a more organic feel. Once such outpost is actually consuming material around it in order to grown in size and complexity.

[metaslider id=80214]

Enemies and Frames

The Grineer are expected to received two more frontline soldiers in the form of the Ghoul Expired and Ghoul Sawmen. It looks like Hydroid will be receiving a Prime variant in the near future while a glass-focused warframe was also teased. Lastly, there was some concept art for the Orokin Executor Ballas.

[metaslider id=80227]

I personally enjoyed getting a sneak peak into the upcoming artwork for Warframe, especially the Sentient buildings. Is there any Warframe concept art that stood out to you the most? Let us know in the comments below!